April 26, 2024

When to use the article “die” in German: Feminine nouns

by Maja Latawiec
Die Arbeit. Rzeczowniki niemieckie rodzaju żeńskiego

For many learners of German, the articles are a real nightmare, mainly because they convey a different message than in English. However, there are some simple rules that will allow you to recognize which article to use with which noun.

When a noun has one of these endings it is almost always of the feminine gender:

–heitdie Krankenheit (the disease), die Freiheit (the freedom)
–keitdie Pünktlichkeit (the punctuality), die Ehrlichkeit (the honesty)
–ungdie Ordnung (the order), die Prüfung (the test) – exceptions: der Dung (the manure), der Schwung (the verve), der Sprung (the leap)
–schaftdie Gesellschaft (the society), die Freundschaft (the friendship)
–ereidie Malerei (the painting), die Träumerei (the dreaming)
–siondie Diskussion (the discussion), die Pension (the pension)
–tiondie Information (the information), die Organisation (the organization)
–e (the vast majority of nouns ending in -e are feminine, but there are also masculine and neutral nouns with this ending)die Liebe (the love), die Woche (the week)

In addition, nouns of foreign origin ending in:

–itätdie Qualität (the quality), die Kreativität (the creativity)
–anzdie Toleranz (the tolerance), die Eleganz (the elegance)
–enzdie Existenz (the existence), die Konsequenz (the consequence)
–ikdie Musik (the music), die Logik (the logic) – exceptions: der Katholik (the catholic), der Atlantik (the Atlantic), der Pazifik (the Pacific), das Mosaik (the mosaic), das Plastik (the plastic)
–urdie Architektur (the architecture), die Temperatur (the temperature) – exceptions: das Futur (the future), der Purpur (purple), der Flur (the hall)

Moreover, numbers, trees, fruits, rivers and flowers (with a few exceptions) are feminine nouns. Look at these examples:

die Zahlen: die Eins, die Zehnnumbers: one, ten
die Bäume: die Buche, die Eichetrees: beech, oak
das Obst: die Erdbeere, die Bananefruit: strawberry, banana
die Flüsse: die Donau, die Weichselrivers: the Danube, the Vistula
die Blumen: die Rose, die Tulpeflowers: rose, tulip

Check out our other articles about masculine nouns with the article “der” and neuter nouns with the article “das”.

If you want to know more about using articles in general, read our article “German articles: definite, indefinite and zero article”.

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