April 26, 2024

Masculine nouns in German: When to use the article “der”

by Maja Latawiec
Czasowniki nieregularne w języku angielskim – tabele wraz z odmianą

Articles in German are considered to be a difficult aspect of learning for English speakers. However, not many people know that there are regularities that can help you recognize which article should be placed before which noun. German nouns are almost always masculine when they have these endings: 

–igder Essig (the vinegar), der Honig (the honey)
–ingder Zwilling (the twin), der Hering (the herring)
–entder Patient (the patient), der Kontinent (the continent) – exceptions: das Prozent, das Talent
–lingder Frühling (the spring), der Lehrling (the learner)
–ichder Teppich (the carpet), der Stich (the sting)
–eigder Steig (the trail), der Zweig (the branch)
–astder Kontrast (the contrast) – exception: die Last (the weight)

Also, nouns of foreign origin ending in:

–ismusder Kapitalismus (the capitalism), der Tourismus (the tourism)
–order Doktor (the doctor), der Humor (humour) – exception: das Labor (the lab)
–antder Praktikant (the intern), der Protestant (the protestant)

What’s more, nouns related to time are usually masculine nouns. This includes, for example, times of day, days of the week, months and seasons. Other such groups of nouns include points of the compass, weather phenomena, types of coffee, names of car brands, and names of mountain peaks and lakes. Look at these examples:

die Tageszeiten: der Abend, der Morgentimes of the day: evening, morning
die Wochentage: der Sonntag, der Freitagdays of the week: Sunday, Friday
die Monate: der März, der Oktobermonths: March, October
die Jahreszeiten: der Winter, der Sommerseasons: winter, summer
die Himmelsrichtungen: der Norden, der Süden, der Westenpoints of the compass: north, south, west
die Wetterphänomene: der Regen, der Schnee, der Hagelweather conditions: rain, snow, hail
die Kaffeesorten: der Kaffee, der Cappuccinotypes of coffee: coffee, cappuccino
die Automarken: der BMW, der Mercedescar brands: BMW, Mercedes
die Berggipfel: der Vesuv, der Mount Everestmountain peaks: Vesuvius, Mount Everest
die Seen: der Baikalsee, der Titiseelakes: Baikal, Titisee

If you want to learn more about articles in German, see our article “German articles: definite, indefinite and zero article”.

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