September 17, 2024

Learning German step by step: Where to start, what courses to choose

by Maja Latawiec
Język niemiecki dla początkujących

If you’re taking your first steps in German and are wondering where you should start, you’ve come to the right place. I am a student of English philology with German, and over the past few years I have devoted most of my time to learning the language. In this article you will see how learning German should look step by step. 

During my philology studies, I tested many ways to learn languages. I began to notice that solving exercises in workbooks or creating vocabulary lists did not bring the expected results. I was looking for methods that would help me learn faster and feel more confident speaking a foreign language.

I joined the Taalhammer team, where we had many discussions and exchanged many experiences. Our goal was to find the best way to learn languages and create an app that really works. In the course of our research and discussions, we drew many conclusions, which I will share with you in this article. You’ll learn why you should learn German and how to take your first steps toward language proficiency.

Why should you start learning German?

  1. German is a language spoken by more than 100 million people worldwide. It is the most widely spoken native language in the European Union and an official language in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Luxembourg and Liechtenstein. Knowing this language opens the door to making new friends and forming interesting relationships.
  2. Germany is a country with a rich history and diverse culture. Learning German allows you to completely immerse yourself in their traditions, literature and art. It also makes traveling in German-speaking countries easier and more enjoyable and convenient. 
  3. It’s also worth mentioning that Germany is a major player in the international arena, so knowing its language can open doors to a variety of professional opportunities. Many international companies have business ties with German-speaking countries. 
  4. Learning a language has a positive effect on the brain, enhancing cognitive function, brain plasticity and intellectual capacity. It is a great investment in personal development and brain health for the long term.

German for beginners – 10 steps to mastering German from scratch

Below you will find 10 tips for learning the language that helped me achieve the results I dreamed of. Whether you’re just getting started with German or returning to learning after a long break, our tips will help you effectively develop your language skills and give you the confidence to communicate in German. Let’s get started!

1. Define your goal clearly and keep your motivation in mind

Whether you’re learning a new language because you need it for a new job or school, or you’re doing it for its own sake, at the beginning you should consider what benefits learning German can bring you. Define your goal clearly and remember what motivated you to start learning. Such a goal (depending on your skills) could be, for example: “On vacation in August, I want to know German at a communicative level and conduct a conversation completely in German,” or “I want to learn German at B1 level to get my dream job.” Then make a plan to help you achieve this goal. Don’t set exorbitant expectations for yourself. The most important thing is regularity, such as reading one page of a book in German a day or writing a few sentences about how your day went. Don’t forget to reward yourself for fulfilling your resolutions!

Tip: For those learning German from scratch, reading comics is better than reading books. Because they have pictures, it is easier to understand their content.

2. Find a way to learn that you will enjoy

Regularity is the key. Without regular contact with the language, you will not achieve language fluency. When you find a way to learn what you enjoy, it will be easier to become systematic. Remember that learning a language is not just about doing tedious grammar exercises. You can learn in many ways. If, like me, you enjoy watching TV series, try changing the subtitles or sound to German next time you watch. If you have a Netflix account, try the Language Reactor plug-in. If you’ve already tried this solution, but you are quickly discouraged, try watching something you’ve watched before. I guess we all have our favorite series or movie that we never get tired of. By knowing what the actors are talking about, you’ll get rid of the stress of missing an important point. If you like competition, try to persuade your friend or family member to study together. You can challenge and motivate each other. If you have a friend who speaks German on a daily basis – even better! Don’t be afraid to ask for help. The support of another person can make learning a pleasure. The most important thing is that you learn in a way that you would be willing to spend a moment on each day. 

3. Do not learn single vocabulary words, but whole sentences or phrases

Many studies by the Taalhammer team have concluded that the most effective method is to learn whole sentences; what is the point in knowing individual vocabulary words if you don’t know how to form a sentence with them? Memorizing sentences is a natural way to learn a language. This method will improve your language fluency and conversation skills. When you learn a new word, form your own sentence with it. This will help you remember it better and you will already be able to use it in your next conversation. Take a look at the following examples:

die Mühe effort
ohne Mühe without effort 
Aufgaben lösento solve tasks
Ich kann diese Aufgaben ohne Mühe lösen.I can solve these tasks without effort.
sich Mühe gebento put in effort
Studium abschließento complete my studies
Ich gebe mir große Mühe, um mein Studium abzuschließen.I am putting in great effort to complete my studies.

Moreover, when you learn a new noun, be sure to memorize it along with the article. Remember that a grammatical article is a grammatical concept that functions only within a language. So don’t compare the grammatical genus of nouns in your native language with that in German.

4. Remember about sentence formation in German

The simplest formation of speech looks the same as in English: The subject, or doer of the action, comes first, followed by the verb, and then the rest of the sentence. For example: Du hast ein schönes Kleid (You have a nice dress). If, on the other hand, we want to ask a question, we create a pivot formation. This means that we swap the order of the subject and verb in the sentence: Hast du ein schönes Kleid? (Do you have a nice dress?).

Keeping this rule in mind, you will be able to create countless correct sentences simply by swapping words in a few basic grammatical structures.

5. Start following German content on social media

Preferably something that is related to your interests. For example, it could be a German teacher on Instagram, a language podcast or a Facebook page. With content that will display itself throughout the day on your favorite apps, you’ll pick up a new language without any effort. There are many free options you can use online. 

6. Listen to the language

Listening is great for improving pronunciation and confidence in conversation. There are many recordings and podcasts on the Internet that you can use. You can find a ton of interesting German channels on YouTube. By listening to native speakers, you will find out what language is really used on a daily basis. Tailor the content to your needs and interests. This will allow you to deepen your knowledge not only of the language, but also of any topic you like. If you are interested in fashion, choose the channel of a German fashion influencer; if you are interested in history and art, look for a podcast on the subject. The choice is yours! Also, be sure to take a moment to learn the German alphabet and familiarize yourself with the basics of the German sounds.

Nauka języka niemieckiego krok po kroku.

7. Look for similarities between the language you’re learning and the ones you already know

In the English language you can find numerous traces and influences of the German language. There are many Germanisms in our language. As you study, look for similarities and associations. Below you will see some examples:

appledie Apfel

8. Use German in your everyday life 

Frequent contact with a foreign language is essential to master it at a good level. Try to set aside at least a few minutes a day for this purpose. You can do practical exercises from a book, start a journal in which you describe your day in a few sentences, or better yet, find a study partner with whom you can talk for a while. If you don’t have such a person, talk to yourself. Record yourself, then listen to catch mistakes and think about what else you can improve. Listen to music and sing songs in German. In doing so, you’ll practice listening and pronunciation, and learn new words and phrases. Listening to music is a passive way to learn a language. This means that you don’t have to do anything, and the knowledge “enters your head” (or ear) by itself.

9. Remember about repetitions

Most language systems should be repeated at least several times at very specific intervals. Otherwise, you’re just wasting your time, because most of what you’ve processed you simply forget, and as a result you lose motivation. You can start the learning process by memorizing 20 sentences in one day, but if you don’t repeat them, you’ll forget them in no time. You can’t expect to speak a language fluently if you don’t train your memory first. You need to give your memory a hard workout if you really want to learn a foreign language. It’s important to repeat thousands of small language elements – words, phrases and sentences – over and over again until you acquire language reflexes. At Taalhammer, we have unanimously stated that the only way to become fluent in a language is with the Spaced Repetition method. Learning sentences is no different. 

10. Enroll on a German course

Perhaps you need extra motivation or are looking for quick results? Try enrolling in a language course. Nowadays, online courses are increasingly replacing the traditional form of learning due to convenience and saving time. You can practice at any time of the day or night, or even while waiting in line at the doctor’s office or on the bus. You don’t have to waste time and money commuting to a language school or a tutor. Online language courses often offer their users a variety of learning resources, such as interactive exercises, videos, review tests and access to language learning platforms.

Why should you learn German with Taalhammer?

In conclusion, learning German from scratch requires commitment, regularity and motivation. At Taalhammer, we offer a German course that emphasizes the ways of learning mentioned in this article. In our app, you will learn in whole sentences. This is a proven method that guarantees fast results and will allow you to “feel the language.” Our Spaced Repetition algorithm is optimized for learning a large number of words and sentences. One of the main advantages of our app is that you will also be able to create your own materials, which will be tailored to your needs and everyday life. This way you will be able to put your knowledge into practice right away, which will add to your motivation to continue learning. Take up the challenge of learning a language and see for yourself!

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