How to subscribe to a collection

To start learning or listening, you must subscribe to one or more collections in our language catalog. Mixing elements of different types while learning a language is the most counterintuitive and surprising part of learning. It may initially give the impression of even slowing us down as we learn, but in fact it increases your long-term memorization.

The default filter is the overview, which shows all collections. You can search by language using the filters, or by title and description in the search section. Core collections teach you the fundamentals of the language, while topic collections expand your vocabulary and teach you things that interest you. If you want to learn a particular collection, press “Subscribe.” It will be added to your learning stream, which you can see in the “Stream” filter.

Go to either learning mode or listening mode to start learning. You can view and control your learning stream at any time by clicking on “Settings,” where you can deselect or mark the collections you want to learn from at any given time.