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Language Learning
Anxiety When Speaking a Foreign Language and How to Overcome It
You walk into a café. You notice a group of locals. They’re sitting at the table, chatting in their native foreign language. It’s the one you’ve been trying to study…
Language Learning
The best way to learn a language is through sentences
While memorising lists of words and grammar rules is one of the most common ways to l…
Language Learning
How to Memorize Words in Another Language
A major key to learning a foreign language is memorizing vocabulary. Without a doubt,…
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Learn Dutch
When to use “De” and “Het” in Dutch
Language Learning
What is the grammar of a language? Is learning grammar a good idea?
Learn Dutch
The most difficult aspects of Dutch grammar
Our language courses – Taalhammer Core
About language learning
Language Learning
Learn German
Nauka niemieckiego
Learning German step by step: Where to start, what courses to choose
Language Learning
Learning grammar makes no sense! Choose an effective method and learn formulaic sequences
Language Learning
Desirable difficulties: Why does learning a language have to be difficult?
Language Learning
Factors that affect language learning time. How to use them to your advantage
Language Learning
What are mnemonics? And how to use mental techniques to learn a language.
Language Learning
Factors affecting the memorization process during language learning
Language Learning
Types and functions of memory. How to use memory to learn languages
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