Nauka niemieckiego

/ Learn German, Nauka niemieckiego

How to use separable verbs in German: German grammar for beginners

Once, while in Germany, I invited a boy whom I liked very much for coffee. As we approached the table I wanted to suggest to him that he make himself…

/ Learn German, Nauka niemieckiego

Funktionsverbgefüge, or noun-verb phrases in German

Do you have to live in Germany to learn to speak like a real German? Of course it’s a great way, but you don’t have to go to such drastic…

/ Learn German, Nauka niemieckiego

“Weil” and “dass”, or conjunctions in German – a simple explanation

I remember well the feeling of excitement when I went to Germany to visit my aunt for the first time. I thought my knowledge of German was already pretty good,…

Past Perfect (czas zaprzeszły dokonany) - budowa, zastosowanie,  przykłady
/ Learn German, Nauka niemieckiego

Past tenses in German – Perfekt, Präteritum and Plusquamperfekt: Explanation and examples

The first evening of my first student exchange in Germany was dedicated to integration. Students from the German university prepared a welcome bonfire for us. I remember that at first…

Mowa zależna w języku angielskim. Zasady, konstrukcja i przykłady mowy zależnej (reported speech)
/ Learn German, Nauka niemieckiego

How to form Konjunktiv I in German

We use the Konjunktiv I for dependent speech to distance ourselves from another person’s speech and to emphasize that we are only conveying their words, not our own opinion. Konjunktiv…

/ Learn German, Nauka niemieckiego

Konjunktiv I, or reported speech, in German: “Habe” and “sei” – explanation and online exercises

I remember well the first time I encountered dependent speech in German. It was during my first stay in Germany, during which I worked intensively to improve my language skills….

Tryby warunkowe w języku angielskim. Conditionals, nazywane również zdaniami warunkowymi i okresami warunkowymi
/ Learn German, Nauka niemieckiego

Modal verbs in Konjunktiv II. Speculation and probability

In the “Was Wäre Wenn” song, sung by Cluedo, we have a perfect example of Konjunktiv II: “… und kämen wir nie zusammen, müssten wir uns niemals trennen.” – (…and…

/ Learn German, Nauka niemieckiego

Fruits and vegetables in German (Obst und Gemüse)

When I was still living in Germany, every weekend I would see the opening of the vegetable and fruit market through my window. It attracted quite a large number of…

Niemiecki w podróży - słownictwo wakacyjne po niemiecku, które przyda Ci się na wyjazd
/ Learn German, Nauka niemieckiego

Traveling in German: holiday vocabulary in German that will come in handy on your trip

As a student of German philology, I spent every vacation in Germany. I wanted to brush up on my language skills, and I always believed that staying in a foreign…

/ Learn German, Nauka niemieckiego

Irregular verbs in the past tense in German: Three forms of the verb

In German we distinguish between two past tenses: Präteritum and Perfekt. The difference in meaning between these tenses is very small. In some cases, they can be used interchangeably (especially…

/ Learn German, Nauka niemieckiego

Conjugation of German irregular verbs in the present tense

Mastering the conjugation of German irregular verbs is very important for communication, since they occur very often in the language and describe important actions and states. An interesting fact is…

Czasowniki nieregularne w języku niemieckim - tabela wraz z odmianą
/ Learn German, Nauka niemieckiego

Irregular verbs in German – a table with conjugation

Anyone who studied the language at school knows very well what irregular verbs are in German. I still remember my first lesson, where I was given a photocopied sheet with…

Najlepsze filmy niemieckie. Top lista popularnych filmów zza zachodniej granicy
/ Learn German, Nauka niemieckiego

Best German films: Top list of popular movies

In this article, I’ll introduce you to the best German movies and show you by my own example that watching movies is one of the best ways to learn a…

/ Learn German, Nauka niemieckiego

Meaning and conjugation of modal verbs in German (können, wollen, müssen, dürfen, sollen, mögen and möchten)

Modal verbs (die Modalverben) have the ability to modify the meaning of other verbs in a sentence. That’s where their name comes from – they modulate other verbs. This group…

/ Learn German, Nauka niemieckiego

How do you build sentences with modal verbs in German?

Modal verbs (die Modalverben) change the meaning of other verbs in a sentence – that’s where their name comes from, i.e. they modulate other verbs. They include können, wollen, müssen,…

/ Learn German, Nauka niemieckiego

Probability in German using modal verbs (müssen, dürften, können, mögen, wollen, sollen)

Modal verbs (die Modalverben) modify (or modulate) the meaning of other verbs in a sentence, which is where their name comes from. They require a different verb to be at…

Czasowniki modalne w języku niemieckim. Pełna lista wraz z przykładami
/ Learn German, Nauka niemieckiego

What are modal verbs in German?

Some time ago, I met for coffee with my colleague from Germany, whom I met on a student exchange. We are both interested in learning languages and our conversation turned…

Nazwy zawodów po niemiecku
/ Learn German, Nauka niemieckiego

Names of occupations in German

Names of professions in German is one of the first topics I cover when tutoring my students. I find it very interesting because not only do we use it to…

/ Learn German, Nauka niemieckiego

Conjugation of the most common German verbs: The 30 most frequently used verbs

Learn the most important verbs presented in an attractive format to facilitate effective German language learning. This list is compiled on the basis of the Taalhammer team’s many years of…

Najpopularniejsze zwierzęta domowe i dzikie po niemiecku.
/ Learn German, Nauka niemieckiego

The most common pets and wild animals in German: vocabulary with translation

Domestic and wild animals in German language are some of the most interesting topics that appeal to both children and adults. I am a tutor, and there have been many…

/ Learn German, Nauka niemieckiego

When to use the article “das” in German: Neuter nouns

In this article, I’ll show you how to easily recognize when to use the article “das” in German. There are no secrets here; there are several endings and rules that…

/ Learn German, Nauka niemieckiego

Conjugation of German verbs

All verbs in German consist of two parts: the stem and the ending. The stem is the invariable part of the verb, while the ending changes according to person and…

Czasowniki niemieckie z odmianą. Lista najczęściej stosowanych czasowników
/ Learn German, Nauka niemieckiego

German verbs with conjugation: List of the most commonly used verbs

If you are learning German then, like me, you probably learned the conjugation of the verbs sein (to be) and haben (to have) in your very first lesson. Verbs are…

Niemiecki alfabet - wszystkie litery wraz z zapisem fonetycznym
/ Learn German, Nauka niemieckiego

German alphabet – all letters with phonetic notation

Two years ago, I went on a much-anticipated city break to Berlin full of optimism, feeling that this was the moment when I could finally show off my German language…

Język niemiecki dla początkujących
/ Language Learning, Learn German, Nauka niemieckiego

Learning German step by step: Where to start, what courses to choose

If you’re taking your first steps in German and are wondering where you should start, you’ve come to the right place. I am a student of English philology with German,…

/ Learn German, Nauka niemieckiego

Der, die or das? – a proven way to learn the articles in German

Here I will share with you my way of “guessing” what kind of article, der, die or das, you should use in German with a given noun. It relies on…

Die Arbeit. Rzeczowniki niemieckie rodzaju żeńskiego
/ Learn German, Nauka niemieckiego

When to use the article “die” in German: Feminine nouns

For many learners of German, the articles are a real nightmare, mainly because they convey a different message than in English. However, there are some simple rules that will allow…

Czasowniki nieregularne w języku angielskim – tabele wraz z odmianą
/ Learn German, Nauka niemieckiego

Masculine nouns in German: When to use the article “der”

Articles in German are considered to be a difficult aspect of learning for English speakers. However, not many people know that there are regularities that can help you recognize which…

Rodzajniki niemieckie: określone, nieokreślone i zerowe
/ Learn German, Nauka niemieckiego

Articles in German: definite, indefinite and zero article

German articles were a problematic issue for me for a long time. In middle school, I always got angry when I got lower grades for various written works because I…

Dni tygodnia po niemiecku - die Wochentage
/ Language Learning, Nauka niemieckiego

Days of the week in German – die Wochentage

The first time I went to Germany was during the summer right after highschool graduation. I wanted to go to college to study philology and decided that I needed to…