Mateusz Wiącek

/ Encyclopedia

The grammar-translation method: The first official learning method (1880)

During the 17th century, the primary purpose of teaching Latin and Greek was not for spoken communication but rather to educate scholars and create “the illusion of deep knowledge”. It…

/ Encyclopedia

The Grimm brothers: Rockstar linguists (1822)

The 19th century investigated language and learning in more detail. This led to the formal development of linguistics, phonetics, and neurolinguistics, as well as the first-ever formal language learning method,…

/ Encyclopedia

Beginning of language (1 million years ago)

Language is not a recent development in human history.  Not so long ago, researchers claimed that language is about 50,000 to 100,000 years old and possessed exclusively by Homo sapiens….

/ Encyclopedia

Audio-Visual Language Teaching: A Comprehensive Overview

Audio-visual language teaching represents a methodological approach that integrates visual and auditory media to enhance language learning. This method exists in both strong and weak versions, with the strong variant…

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Learning and Teaching Second Languages

Since the early days of studying how people learn second languages, there’s been a focus on how this knowledge can improve teaching. In 1976, Krashen came up with the monitor…

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Autonomy in Language Learning

When we talk about autonomy in learning, we mean how much control learners have over their own learning process. Autonomous learners take charge of setting goals, deciding what to learn,…

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Language Aptitude: Why Some Excel in Learning Languages

Why do some individuals excel in learning languages while others struggle? The concept of language aptitude seeks to answer this question by identifying innate abilities specific to language learning. While…

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Age and Language Learning

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to pick up new languages effortlessly while others struggle? The answer might lie in age-related factors that influence language acquisition. Let’s dive…

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Attitudes and Language Learning

Language acquisition is not merely a process of mastering forms and rules; it’s intertwined with social, subjective, and objective dimensions, encompassing the attitudes, habits, and cultural traits of its speakers….

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Applied Linguistics: From Theory to Practice

The realm of applied linguistics is a dynamic and evolving field, serving as both a source of theory and a practical guide for language teaching. Its journey from its inception…