Maja Latawiec

/ Learn German, Nauka niemieckiego

German prepositions with Akkusativ or Dativ (Wechselpräpositionen): List with lots of examples

Some place-determining prepositions in German are not faithful to a single case. These are so-called variable prepositions, or Wechselpräpositionen. Depending on the context, they combine with the accusative (Akkusativ) or…

/ Learn German, Nauka niemieckiego

Prepositions in German: German prepositions that require the use of Dativ, Akkusativ, and Genitiv

Prepositions in German is a topic that I unfortunately always skipped in my early days of learning German. Everything changed during one of my trips to Germany. When I got…

/ Learn German, Nauka niemieckiego

How to conjugate possessive pronouns in German

Possessive pronouns in German are pronouns that indicate possession or belonging. They usually come before a noun, for example mein Kind (my child). These types of pronouns vary depending on…

/ Learn German, Nauka niemieckiego

Possessivpronomen: What are possessive pronouns in German? Theory and examples

I was sitting together with my friend Sylvia in a coffee shop. We had agreed to work together that day. I was getting down to writing this article, and she…

/ Learn German, Nauka niemieckiego

Fruits and vegetables in German (Obst und Gemüse)

When I was still living in Germany, every weekend I would see the opening of the vegetable and fruit market through my window. It attracted quite a large number of…

/ Learn German, Nauka niemieckiego

Months and seasons in German (Monate und Jahreszeiten)

A few years ago, when I was still living in Germany, I went with friends to Oktoberfest. They told me that it was the biggest festival of the year and…

Niemiecki w podróży - słownictwo wakacyjne po niemiecku, które przyda Ci się na wyjazd
/ Learn German, Nauka niemieckiego

Traveling in German: holiday vocabulary in German that will come in handy on your trip

As a student of German philology, I spent every vacation in Germany. I wanted to brush up on my language skills, and I always believed that staying in a foreign…

/ Learn German, Nauka niemieckiego

Irregular verbs in the past tense in German: Three forms of the verb

In German we distinguish between two past tenses: Präteritum and Perfekt. The difference in meaning between these tenses is very small. In some cases, they can be used interchangeably (especially…

/ Learn German, Nauka niemieckiego

Conjugation of German irregular verbs in the present tense

Mastering the conjugation of German irregular verbs is very important for communication, since they occur very often in the language and describe important actions and states. An interesting fact is…

Czasowniki nieregularne w języku niemieckim - tabela wraz z odmianą
/ Learn German, Nauka niemieckiego

Irregular verbs in German – a table with conjugation

Anyone who studied the language at school knows very well what irregular verbs are in German. I still remember my first lesson, where I was given a photocopied sheet with…